
Archive for August, 2012

Where has the summer gone?  It seems like I’ve been home from Phoenix for just a few weeks, and yet checking the calendar, it’s been almost three months since I posted here!

We’ve had a nice time around here.  After our trip south, I told Mike I would be happy just to hang around home this summer, and that’s exactly what we’ve done.   After our yard construction last year, where we sat out in the yard exactly zero times,

we have been making up for it this year.  We’ve got a new patio, potted  flowers,

and new wildlife

(better behaved than the dogs, I must say).  The bats have not yet moved into the bat house

(I even put the Bat Symbol on the roof so they could spot it while flying over), but  the instructions  said it could take a year or two before they find it.  I know there are bats in the neighborhood because we’ve been buzzed  a few times in the evening, and there is a lot of available food for them (I really hate mosquitoes- but who doesn’t?).  It’s just a matter of time.  We painted the fence, and in a few places the paint is all that’s holding it up.

All in all, the backyard is a Happy Place.  If I was organized on the weaving front, I could theoretically even drag a loom outside and weave there.

I did not join a team for the Ravelympics Ravellenic Games, but I did my own thing.  I am the sole member of Team Anarchy/Does Not Play Well With Others, and I accomplished my Olympian task of finishing the body of Squares that look Round.

I need to decide on the border colour and mounting and hanging details, but this was a lot of fun, and I am pleased with all 45,000  stitches so far.  The pictures cut right through the whole illusion thingie which is much more obvious in person, so if you want to see the effect, click on the link and give Steve a visit.

Oh yeah.  I also finished the blue pullover, about which I am ambivalent.

I suppose one can’t love all one’s projects equally.

In case anyone is still reading, and was wondering “I wonder what Judy’s little granddaughter looks like now?”, here’s the latest:

My heart goes all aflutter.

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