
Archive for January, 2011

1:  Cram four adults (two happy, two grumbling) into what passes for a mid-sized cab and go to Walmart.


2:  Walk up and down the beach until Mike’s feet are a lovely shade of tomato red and my own ankles are kind of rashy from the sand.


3:  Try to buy knitting needles.  Find some in a fabric store and try to communicate that you don’t want 3mm needles, you want 5.5mm needles.  Forget about asking for circulars.  Wonder how knitting needles can smell so rancid and leave them out overnight to air.  Pat yourself on the back that you only paid $1.75 for them so if they continue to smell you won’t feel bad abandoning them here.


4:  Wash out your undermentionables in the kitchen sink because a) it’s really expensive to do laundry here, and b) the bathroom sink, while very decorative and modern, doesn’t actually have a plug.  Bleach the kitchen sink after because apparently some people are squeamish.


5:  Tour (repeatedly) the model suites on the beach of the all the different timeshare options you could buy if only you thought timeshare wasn’t the world’s biggest stupid real estate idea.  Envy the guy who thought of it in the first place.


6:  Decide the world really doesn’t care if you appear in public in a bikini.  You are not the thinnest person at the pool not are you the largest person on the beach.  In the long run, no-one cares.


7:  Email  and text your son back north and panic when he doesn’t reply.  Call him on the phone and listen to his sad story about throwing a shirt in the dryer with a pen in the pocket.  Give telephone support for ink removal from the inside of the dryer.


8:  Knit a big thick cowl on the beach.  Imagine wearing it in a snowstorm.  Have another margarita and slap on some more sunscreen.  Contemplate surrealism.





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Promises and Excuses.

Contrary to rumours which may be floating around out there, I am still here.   I would like to quote from one of my favourite authors, A.A. Milne of Winnie-the-Pooh fame, and state that I am simply bizzy.  backson.   (For those of you who are uninitiated in the wisdom of the Pooh,  this translates to “Busy.  Back Soon.”)  Instead of writing, I have been knitting.  Painting.   Planning a brand new studio space. Getting a cement floor put back in the basement and dealing with long-standing drainage issues.   Doing Christmas.  Buying pesos.

Even though I have not been writing, I am still reading.  If you’re one of my readers who doesn’t blog, I apologize for not keeping in touch.  Please know that I’m thinking about you with the best of intentions.  I hope your 2011 is proceeding in a satisfactory manner.


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